
Sunday, December 10, 2017

McWhirter Theory of Stock Market Forecasting

Some said McWhirter is the alias of W.D. Gann, a very famous trader back in early 1900s. I found the methodology McWhirter described is quite systematically logic and easily applicable.  I love the way it arranges the book with basic assumption then applies lots of empirical 100 years studies. Strongly recommend trader to get one and study to prepare for the year of 2018.

North Node is everything you should focus, the 18-year cycle foreshadow the boom and bust of the economic activities. Peaking in Leo and bottoming in Aquarian is the main idea. North Node's transit through every sign is considered the primary factor.

When I apply the theory to the latest 20 years. It means 1998 with peak and 2008 with trough. It do match the historical path. What's surprising is that 2017 is peaking as North Node stepped in the mid point of Leo.

Source: ZET software Ephemeris

What else might have material impact on the cyclical nature of economic activities?  Ans: The outer planets' favorable and unfavorable aspect with North Node and with each other.  This is considered secondary factory.

  1. Jupiter (expansion planet) comes across with favorable aspects (0, 120, 60, 30) with North Node are always welcome. 
  2. Saturn (constraint) and Uranus (chaos) transit with unfavorable aspects  (90, 45, 125) with North Node or with each other are bear sign. 
  3. Saturn and Uranus form favorable aspects (120, 60, 30) can boast the market well. 
  4. Pluto is considered powerful force. When it comes with favorable planets with favorable aspect (0, 120, 60, 30) can boost the market. But the unfavorable (0, 180, 90, 135, 45) aspect with Saturn, Uranus would cause trouble. 
  5. Either Saturn or Uranus conjunction with Pluto are considered bad for the market. 
  6. Quincunx (150 degree) is also considered unfavorable aspect. 

What's the empirical study for 2017? It's the typical bull sign of big trine among North Node, Uranus and Saturn. Now wonder how we luckily had a full pocket for the past year!

Source: ZET software Ephemeris

By applying the cyclical nature of 18 years long North Node transit and outer planets interaction, you can easily have a big picture of the movement prediction.

It also employ tactics to predict monthly movement and ways to catch the reflection point. Let's talk about that next time.

.... to be continued.

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