
Wednesday, February 26, 2014


人幣貶值五大陰謀論: "玄學家李健麟在2月《信報月刊》中提到,2004年後十年周期,港元與美元疲弱,人民幣升值只讓港人感受到聯滙的壞處,但往後十年是甲午辛符周期,情況或見逆轉,美元兌人民幣滙率升值,更有可能成為大趨勢。"

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來杯有精神又健康的咖啡 ~ 名人掛保證的哦!

這影片太讚了,手沖咖啡再加上 1tsp 的奶油,然後用 blender 打一打。你怕奶油很肥嗎? 其實動物性鮮奶油太過於被妖魔化了,他是提神和幫助燃燒體脂肪的好武器哦。

Butter Blended Coffee Extra Energy - Business Insider: "The old world tradition of adding butter to coffee has recently re-emerged as a performance enhancer embraced by the likes of Bulletproof Executive founder Dave Asprey and holistic health guru Andrew Weil.

Weil asserts that the often demonized saturated fat poses no risk for increased heart disease and may actually help "stimulate the body's fat-burning potential" in addition to boosting creativity and productivity."

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

想去華爾街上班嗎? 那先回答這個數學心理題.

Goldman Martingale Interview Question - Business Insider

: "Here's a game I've just invented. The rules are that I flip a coin, and if it comes up heads, you pay me a dollar and the game is over. If it comes up tails, you flip again. If it comes up heads the second time, you pay me two dollars, and the game is over. If it comes up tails again, you flip again. Third time, you pay me four dollars for heads and the game is over, and you flip again for tails. And so on and so on, each time doubling the payout for heads, and flipping again on tails. How much would I have to pay you up front to play this game?"

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Soros: $1.3 Billion Worth Of SPY Puts - Business Insider

Soros: $1.3 Billion Worth Of SPY Puts - Business Insider: " George Soros Doubled His Bet That The Stock Market Is Going Down"

Soros Fund Management disclosed that it held put options on 7,090,000 shares of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) at the end of Q4.
george soros
Read more:

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依據 Google 的說法
Slut is hypocritical

其實矯情的另一個英文是 smugness
sult's level of  smugness is always go through the roof!

cupboard love 則是指小孩子版的矯情

Monday, February 17, 2014

QQ + BI , sounds great!

騰訊加速擴版圖 創580元新高 染指旅業迎戰阿里學習網 恒指收復牛熊綫 - 香港經濟日報網站 : 20140218 - 要聞,金融: "騰訊網昨亦公布,跟美國財經科技網站Business Insider(BI)達成協議,成為後者於大中華區的獨家內容合作夥伴,可享有中港台澳的獨家版權。亞瑪遜創辦人Jeff Bezos亦為BI的投資者之一。"

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[台南] 搞什麼名堂


Sunday, February 16, 2014

[行運] 木冥天三刑會沖, 你感受到了嗎?


代表信念的木星退行, 表示個人對自身的反省。對分相位上的冥王在原本事物上的毀壞和重建持續的進行,因為是在摩羯座,所以是以緩慢而漸進的方式進行。四分相位上的羊白天王,則是激烈而無預警式的變化。


[台南. 阿億] 這就是溫體黃牛肉拉!!!

這陣子台北在瘋台南的溫體黃牛肉, 聽說這家就是老牌的台南黃牛肉店。招待朋友來吃,我不吃牛肉,所以點了魯肉飯和塩蛋山苦瓜,真是美味呀。

[台北. 寶藏巖國際藝術村] 獵戶座


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

[台北. 東區] Homie Cafe 現場直擊 熟客輕早午餐

216 巷內又開了家新店,Homie Cafe 。路過進來座座,感覺都是熟客,東西還不錯。義式麵加湯或沙拉,300元有找。下回聚會可以來這兒座座。

[台北. 東區] 路過

招牌就這麼簡單, 在國泰醫院的後方, 聽說是日本人開的, 朋友說吃一餐要 "好多小朋友" !

Sunday, February 9, 2014