
Monday, May 8, 2017

McWhirter Theory on Business Cycle

Louise McWhirter presented her theory in 1938 in "Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting" ,  quick excerpt from the Chapter 1 "Theory and Application of Forecasting Stock Market Trends."  as follows:
  • .... North Node passes through Scorpio and Libra (backward through the Zodiac), .. transition period ... going from normal to ABOVE normal
  • Whenever the North Node reaches the sign of Leo, ... is normally at a high point.
  • ... passes through Cancer and Gemini, .. trend is slowly toward normal.
  • moves into Taurus (1929), ..lasts through the sing of Aries ..from normal to UNDER normal
  • ...move out of Aquarius, ...the sign of low point of business cycle chart
She also mention about 2nd factors to shift the Cycle.

  1. Jupiter conjunction the North Node. 
  2. Saturn trine, sextile, or semi-sextile Uranus. 
  3. Jupiter in Gemini or Cancer.
  4. Jupiter conjunction, sextile or trine Saturn and Uranus
  5. The North Node in Gemini.
  6. Favorable aspects to Pluto.
  1. Saturn conjunction, square or opposition the North Node. 
  2. Saturn conjunction, square, opposition, or semi-square Uranus. 
  3. Saturn in Gemini. 
  4. Uranus in Gemini.
  5. Uranus square, conjunction, or opposition the North Node.
  6. Unfavorable aspects to Pluto.” 


  1. Jupiter +ve characteristic and Saturn -ve characteristic
  2. Saturn v.s. Uranus: +ve for soft aspects, -ve for strong aspects
  3. Gemini: +ve when Jupiter and North Node;  and -ve when Saturn and Uranus
  4. Jupiter v.s. Saturn, Uranus: +ve for weak weak aspects
  5. North Node aspects with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus: -ve when with strong apsects with Uranus, Saturn; +ve when strong aspects with Jupiter
  6. Pluto: +ve to have weak aspects with whatsoever and -ve to have strong aspects whatsoever.

Here's 100 years North Node backward chart excerpt from ZET astrology software.

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