- .... North Node passes through Scorpio and Libra (backward through the Zodiac), .. transition period ... going from normal to ABOVE normal
- Whenever the North Node reaches the sign of Leo, ... is normally at a high point.
- ... passes through Cancer and Gemini, .. trend is slowly toward normal.
- moves into Taurus (1929), ..lasts through the sing of Aries ..from normal to UNDER normal
- ...move out of Aquarius, ...the sign of low point of business cycle chart
- Jupiter conjunction the North Node.
- Saturn trine, sextile, or semi-sextile Uranus.
- Jupiter in Gemini or Cancer.
- Jupiter conjunction, sextile or trine Saturn and Uranus
- The North Node in Gemini.
- Favorable aspects to Pluto.
- Saturn conjunction, square or opposition the North Node.
- Saturn conjunction, square, opposition, or semi-square Uranus.
- Saturn in Gemini.
- Uranus in Gemini.
- Uranus square, conjunction, or opposition the North Node.
- Unfavorable aspects to Pluto.”
- Jupiter +ve characteristic and Saturn -ve characteristic
- Saturn v.s. Uranus: +ve for soft aspects, -ve for strong aspects
- Gemini: +ve when Jupiter and North Node; and -ve when Saturn and Uranus
- Jupiter v.s. Saturn, Uranus: +ve for weak weak aspects
- North Node aspects with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus: -ve when with strong apsects with Uranus, Saturn; +ve when strong aspects with Jupiter
- Pluto: +ve to have weak aspects with whatsoever and -ve to have strong aspects whatsoever.
Here's 100 years North Node backward chart excerpt from ZET astrology software.